Joviale: ZeroCool

The self-examining soul of ‘ZeroCool’ exudes some of Joviale’s most stunning harmonic work to date, employing an almost choral element to their layered vocals while using the spacious nature of the track to place their voice on centre stage.

Directed by Red Chartreuse and filmed in Malta before the onset of the global coronavirus pandemic, ‘ZeroCool’ exhibits moments of true joy spent with loved ones of all varieties. This quietly jubilant atmosphere somehow pours more emotion when paired with the track’s more contemplative tone; creating a redemptive work that stays with the viewer long after they watch. It's a wonderfully inventive sleight of hand from Joviale, an artist who has proven with this project that they know the effects that art can have on human emotion and how those works can inspire such feelings.

On the visual, Joviale says:
“Experiencing the depths and vastness the joys of love is something we are worthy of and it’s important to claim that with your chest!”